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Convert AutoCAD drawing (*.dwg) to JPEG with ease!
Please follow this manual to start converting of AutoCAD drawing (*.dwg).
Download and install Universal Document Converter software onto your computer.
Open the drawing in AutoCAD and press File->Plot... in application main menu.
Select Universal Document Converter from the plotters list and press Properties button.
Select Custom Properties in Device and Document Settings tab and press Custom Properties button in Access Custom Dialog area.
On the settings panel, click Load Properties.
Use the Open dialog to select "Drawing to TIFF.xml" and click Open.
Select JPEG image on the File Format tab and click OK to close the Universal Document Converter Properties window.
Press OK in the Plot window to start converting. When the JPEG file is ready, it will be saved to the My Documents\UDC Output Files folder by default.
The converted drawing will then be opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer software or another viewer associated with JPEG files on your computer.